I won't be voting for Joe Biden. You vote for who you want, I'm not hear to tell you how to vote. I'll tell you how I'm voting. I have been consistent, I can't vote in a general election for anyone who voted for the Iraq War.
2004? That was supposed to be such an important election. The editors of THE NATION insisted that it was the 'torture election' and if Bully Boy Bush won then torture would win and blah blah blah. I voted for John Kerry. He was running against Bush. I could justify it -- even though John was for the war before he was against it and other twisted logic or 'logic.'
That was it.
I am tired of the Democratic Party putting a candidate on the ticket each presidential year who voted for the Iraq War. 2008 and 2012 saw Joe, 2016 saw Hillary.
Now once upon a time THE NATION would announce in an editorial -- that ran on the cover because they found the announcement so important -- that they wouldn't support anyone who voted for the Iraq War. Then they looked the other way.
I'm not going to. The Iraq War started in 2003 -- it continues -- and it's appalling that in 2020, we're still running people who voted for that war on our presidential ticket.
I'm not voting for Joe. He's a war monger. I also believe Tara Reade. She's credible and the character assassination that Joe's campaign -- led by Anita Dunn -- has carried out may fool a lot of idiots but it doesn't fool me. Tara's telling the truth.
On the lesser evil voting, Jonathan Cook (DISSIDENT VOICE) notes:
To the younger left, things look a little more complex and paradoxical. They tend to see lesser evil voting as an example of the chicken-and-egg problem. After all, given that the older left has been trotting out the lesser evil argument for decades, it looks suspiciously like LEV may have actually contributed to the entrenchment of an evil political system that made Trump’s election possible. Are the proponents of lesser evil voting not creating the very conditions for political alienation that they then tout as a way to address the product – Trump – of that very political alienation?
If the US has a cynical political system, deeply corrupted by money, younger voters wonder whether adding to that cynicism – with the left always voting for one of two evil candidates – can actually ever change the system or simply reinforces it. The older left has failed politically. But might one of the reasons be that for decades it has acted so cynically? Younger voters want to break with cynical politics. If the left is ever going to start looking more attractive, they argue, it needs to stop engaging cynically with a cynical system.
George Bernard Shaw’s maxim comes to mind: “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”
Walmart or Costco?
Very much related to this is the concern that decades of voting for evil Democratic candidates mean the progressive left has not just failed to hold the line politically, election by election, but has actively lost ground, especially relative to the biggest problem facing humanity – the imminent end of most life on the planet. The clock is ticking fast, and it is evident that neither candidate is actually going to do anything substantive to save us from ecological catastrophe. The system is entirely owned and controlled by a plutocratic class, addicted to the expansion of its own wealth, even at the cost of our species’ survival.
Lesser evilism focuses on the candidates’ relative merits and depravities. But younger voters increasingly see that as misdirection. The two evil candidates reflect the depravities of the same evil plutocratic system. On this view, the candidates’ marginal differences are nothing more than exercises in marketing. Debating their merits in relation to the fundamental, existential questions facing us at the moment makes as much sense to younger voters as arguing whether Walmart or Costco offer a more ethical model of consumption.
Meanwhile, the two candidates on offer in this election are probably the most deficient and incompetent in US history: one is a fire-breathing, posturing, delusional narcissist; the other the dried-out husk of a once smooth-talking, delusional narcissist. Each is proof that the evil system they are there to obscure has grown so sclerotic, so debased, that it can no longer produce credible salesmen.
Ava and C.I. cover THE GREAT (HULU) in their latest and explain how each version of Catherine the Great's story over the years reflects the time in which it was made. They work Tara Reade into the latest.
"TV: Catherine The Great's story it always our story" (Ava and C.I., THE THIRD ESTATE SUNDAY REVIEW):
Though set many centuries in the past, THE GREAT is created for today and reflects the times we live in currently. In that regard, it gets a great deal correct. The women of the noble class sneer at Catherine, most of the men do as well. She's a fighter and there are many who want to destroy her just for that reason.
Yes, you can draw parallels to Tara Reade, the woman who has accused Joe Biden of assault.
Instead of addressing the accusation, the corporate media -- the same media in the tank with Joe Biden for the Democratic Party's primary -- ignored Joe and his history of lying and his history of groping women and sniffing women to instead rip apart Tara.
If you doubt what went down, Rose McGowan has posted some of the questions that 'journalist' Lisa Lerer asked Tara. They include:
Can you tell us about your time as a downhill skier, and your training, contests won, etc?
In court records, your ex husband Ted says that your mother hit you during a fight over her drinking, back when you were living with her during your pregnancy. Was his description of that fight in court papers accurate?
We heard that after your car was repossessed friends sold you their vehicle and let you pay it with a no interest loan but that you struggled to make those payments and they took it back. Is that true?
Also, several people told me you were dating a Russian man online in the spring of 2019. Is that true? How did you meet and can you tell me about the relationship?
On Quora, you followed three Russian individuals -- Andrey Davydov, Dima Vorobiev and Alex Korolev. How was it that you came to know them and follow them?
None of the questions above -- or the rest of them posted -- have anything to do with assault.
Nor did they result from any work that Lerer herself did.
They're part of the Biden campaign. Anita Dunn oversaw the list of questions and she saw to it that they were distributed to the press.
This is why Joe kept saying that Tara needed to be 'vetted' in interview after interview. He and his campaign had the smears they wanted and they had already provided them to the so-called press.
In THE GREAT, Catherine endures similar attacks. We all get the story that best fits our timeline.
Read the whole thing, it's all great, but I wanted to highlight the part on Tara. I believe Tara Reade.
"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):
**Wednesday**, May 27, 2020. We all wake up grumpy these days.
I had a nightmare. And then realized it was no dream.
Joe Biden is a hideous candidate by any standard. But some in the DNC are determined to have him as the presidential candidate.
Accused of assault, his campaign pretends to be standing back and letting events unfold when in reality they are feeding 'reporters' information to attack Tara Reade's character. Despite their best efforts at embracing rape culture, nothing has changed the fact that Tara's accused him of assault and that her accusation is credible.
Whores like Katha Pollitt insist it's vote Joe or else. When what they should be insisting is that a senile War Criminal drop out and be replaced.
Joe Biden showed up last week for one of those rare appearances. He appeared on Charlamagne tha God's program and insisted that "You ain't Black" if you voted for Donald Trump. An elderly, White man telling others who was and wasn't Black -- an elderly, White man with a history of racism -- including his crime bill, including his praise for segregationists . . .
In the aftermath last Friday, Joe Biden 'apologized.' Chris Freind (THE MERCURY) points out:
What isn’t a joke is how racist, arrogant, condescending, obnoxious, tone-deaf and patronizing Mr. Biden’s statement is. About the only thing worse was his non-apology apology: “I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy…perhaps I was much too cavalier.” Perhaps? That’s the best he could muster? “Perhaps?”
Joe never really apologizes, he's a sociopath. When nine women came forward to complain about his inappropriate behavior he did a video 'apology' and then, a few days later, made fun of the women at a predominately all male event.
So no surprise, he's taken back the apology.
From "I shouldn't have been such a wise guy" to now insisting that someone else was the "wise guy." Fionnuala O'Leary (THE SUN) explains:
The presumptive Democratic nominee acknowledged the statement he made on "The Breakfast Show" was a "mistake" last Friday, but Biden claimed the radio presenter was also being "a wise guy."
"He was being a wise guy," Biden says of Charlamagne, "and I shouldn't have responded in kind."
Way to take ownership, Joe.
Charlamagne was right to doubt the sincerity of the words -- which were never an apology.
It's always someone else' fault and he never takes real accountability. That's the problem with a career politician and Joe is everything America stands against.
Margaret Kimberley (BLACK AGENDA REPORT) observes:
Joe Biden was always an intellectual light weight and he always had poor impulse control. He was always in the conservative wing of the Democratic Party. Now he believes the hype of the black misleadership class charlatans who make his case by claiming that he has some sort of special relationship with black people. The combination of all these attributes makes his presidential campaign one long train wreck.
A recent interview on the Breakfast Club radio program was the occasion of his latest bizarre statement. This time he famously said, “... if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." He seemed to think that being overly familiar and using bad grammar gave him some sort of credibility.
Symone Sanders, his most prominent black campaign staffer, was left to clean up after him yet again and defend his stupidity by saying that he spoke in jest. The damage was bad enough that Biden had to apologize himself and said that he shouldn’t have been “a wise guy.”
Biden is like Donald Trump, in that he is thoroughly unqualified to be president. Yet black people are desperate to see anyone other than Trump in the White House and that is how the party establishment got away with foisting him upon them. When they aren’t trying to minimize his shortcomings, they admonish anyone who points them out. “But he’s better than Trump!” is their rallying cry lest anyone think for themselves and point out the many reasons why Biden is so problematic.
Any words of doubt or well deserved humor are frowned upon and even attacked. There is a strange magical thinking afoot that equates acknowledgement of Biden’s faults with support of Trump. A joke at his expense can lead to foolish argument. The Democratic Party propagandists and their friends in the black misleadership class are to blame for this sad state of affairs.
Allegiance and subservience to their donor class requires them to lie to the party rank and file. Their scam depends upon convincing voters that they work on their behalf when they do nothing of the sort. They had to explain away Hillary Clinton’s defeat with tales of Russian intrigue and blame directed at the left. Trump’s awfulness makes him the perfect foil. They can pretend to oppose him with an impeachment charade which satisfies their base but when he proposes a space force or $700 billion in defense spending they go right along with whatever he wants.
He is not qualified to be president. He doesn't know where he is, he tells people to vote him into the Senate, he is just not fit.
And his team knows this and has begun the process of lowering expectations. So they whisper to the press that Joe will have a solid team behind him, the team will be running things, the team . . .
Sorry, that's not what the US Constitution defines.
He qualifies right now, before the election, as incapacitated. If he were president right now, there would be a solid case for removing him from office.
The interview with Charlamagne was Joe's first real appearance in months. Coronavirus was a gift to Joe. He was getting tired and the eyes were starting to water and he was snapping at people. Along came coronavirus and the man who can't handle the campaign trail was handed a gift. But all the resting he did while 'sheltering' (instead of campaigning) did not do him any good.
He is unfit for the office and he really can't handle the campaign.
This is America's nightmare.
The Democratic Party refuses to nominate a candidate that inspires or even one that's just competent. Instead, they go with Joe.
Katha Pollitt, Norman Solomon and other whores have already begun the roll out of attempt to bully people into voting for Joe. That sort of behavior usually takes place in the fall, after the DNC has their convention. But Biden's so weak that they're having to start it months earlier.
Let's go back to Chris Freind:
A joke making the rounds shows a Wheel of Fortune puzzle missing one letter. It reads: “JOE BIDEN IS A RA_IST.” Underneath, two choices: “C” and “P.”
Tommy Virgl (THE DEPAULIA) explains:
If the Democratic party actually wanted to beat Trump, they would replace Biden. Not only is he dishonest and an alleged rapist, but he does not represent the moral high ground that the Democratic establishment touts him as — it would make sense to have a candidate who can contrast Trump’s corruption as an effective strategy.
The logical replacement, if Biden were to withdraw from the race, would be the next person on the ballot with the most delegates, which would be Sen. Bernie Sanders. Not only is Sanders backed by grassroots support, but his clear record would be a great way to contrast Trump’s corruption.
“Standing with survivors doesn’t have a political agenda,” Blenck said.
While the election this November is critical, so is applying a consistent standard of believing sexual assault victims. I believe Dr. Ford. I believe Tara Reade. I don’t believe in a party that’s only willing to defend women and sexual assault survivors when it’s convenient for them.
Bernie Sanders and the media keep talking about my/his supporters. Bernie Sanders had very few supporters. The issues he ran on had a ton of supporters. Bernie is trying to sheep dog everyone which is offensive enough but every time he speaks of 'my supporters,' I cringe. He's a fake ass and his war on delegates, reported by Genevieve Leigh (WSWS), is very telling.
And the lack of concern of what Biden on the world stage would mean? Very scary. He did not just vote for the Iraq War. He repeatedly destroyed Iraq -- most infamously by overturning the votes of the Iraqi people in the 2010 election. He is not asked about that, the press ignores it. It is a very key issue and maybe instead of bullying people to vote for him supposed independent writers should be pressuring him to speak to that.
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I had a nightmare. And then realized it was no dream.
Joe Biden is a hideous candidate by any standard. But some in the DNC are determined to have him as the presidential candidate.
Accused of assault, his campaign pretends to be standing back and letting events unfold when in reality they are feeding 'reporters' information to attack Tara Reade's character. Despite their best efforts at embracing rape culture, nothing has changed the fact that Tara's accused him of assault and that her accusation is credible.
Whores like Katha Pollitt insist it's vote Joe or else. When what they should be insisting is that a senile War Criminal drop out and be replaced.
Joe Biden showed up last week for one of those rare appearances. He appeared on Charlamagne tha God's program and insisted that "You ain't Black" if you voted for Donald Trump. An elderly, White man telling others who was and wasn't Black -- an elderly, White man with a history of racism -- including his crime bill, including his praise for segregationists . . .
In the aftermath last Friday, Joe Biden 'apologized.' Chris Freind (THE MERCURY) points out:
What isn’t a joke is how racist, arrogant, condescending, obnoxious, tone-deaf and patronizing Mr. Biden’s statement is. About the only thing worse was his non-apology apology: “I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy…perhaps I was much too cavalier.” Perhaps? That’s the best he could muster? “Perhaps?”
Joe never really apologizes, he's a sociopath. When nine women came forward to complain about his inappropriate behavior he did a video 'apology' and then, a few days later, made fun of the women at a predominately all male event.
So no surprise, he's taken back the apology.
From "I shouldn't have been such a wise guy" to now insisting that someone else was the "wise guy." Fionnuala O'Leary (THE SUN) explains:
The presumptive Democratic nominee acknowledged the statement he made on "The Breakfast Show" was a "mistake" last Friday, but Biden claimed the radio presenter was also being "a wise guy."
"He was being a wise guy," Biden says of Charlamagne, "and I shouldn't have responded in kind."
Way to take ownership, Joe.
Charlamagne was right to doubt the sincerity of the words -- which were never an apology.
It's always someone else' fault and he never takes real accountability. That's the problem with a career politician and Joe is everything America stands against.
Margaret Kimberley (BLACK AGENDA REPORT) observes:
Joe Biden was always an intellectual light weight and he always had poor impulse control. He was always in the conservative wing of the Democratic Party. Now he believes the hype of the black misleadership class charlatans who make his case by claiming that he has some sort of special relationship with black people. The combination of all these attributes makes his presidential campaign one long train wreck.
A recent interview on the Breakfast Club radio program was the occasion of his latest bizarre statement. This time he famously said, “... if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." He seemed to think that being overly familiar and using bad grammar gave him some sort of credibility.
Symone Sanders, his most prominent black campaign staffer, was left to clean up after him yet again and defend his stupidity by saying that he spoke in jest. The damage was bad enough that Biden had to apologize himself and said that he shouldn’t have been “a wise guy.”
Biden is like Donald Trump, in that he is thoroughly unqualified to be president. Yet black people are desperate to see anyone other than Trump in the White House and that is how the party establishment got away with foisting him upon them. When they aren’t trying to minimize his shortcomings, they admonish anyone who points them out. “But he’s better than Trump!” is their rallying cry lest anyone think for themselves and point out the many reasons why Biden is so problematic.
Any words of doubt or well deserved humor are frowned upon and even attacked. There is a strange magical thinking afoot that equates acknowledgement of Biden’s faults with support of Trump. A joke at his expense can lead to foolish argument. The Democratic Party propagandists and their friends in the black misleadership class are to blame for this sad state of affairs.
Allegiance and subservience to their donor class requires them to lie to the party rank and file. Their scam depends upon convincing voters that they work on their behalf when they do nothing of the sort. They had to explain away Hillary Clinton’s defeat with tales of Russian intrigue and blame directed at the left. Trump’s awfulness makes him the perfect foil. They can pretend to oppose him with an impeachment charade which satisfies their base but when he proposes a space force or $700 billion in defense spending they go right along with whatever he wants.
He is not qualified to be president. He doesn't know where he is, he tells people to vote him into the Senate, he is just not fit.
And his team knows this and has begun the process of lowering expectations. So they whisper to the press that Joe will have a solid team behind him, the team will be running things, the team . . .
Sorry, that's not what the US Constitution defines.
He qualifies right now, before the election, as incapacitated. If he were president right now, there would be a solid case for removing him from office.
The interview with Charlamagne was Joe's first real appearance in months. Coronavirus was a gift to Joe. He was getting tired and the eyes were starting to water and he was snapping at people. Along came coronavirus and the man who can't handle the campaign trail was handed a gift. But all the resting he did while 'sheltering' (instead of campaigning) did not do him any good.
He is unfit for the office and he really can't handle the campaign.
This is America's nightmare.
The Democratic Party refuses to nominate a candidate that inspires or even one that's just competent. Instead, they go with Joe.
Katha Pollitt, Norman Solomon and other whores have already begun the roll out of attempt to bully people into voting for Joe. That sort of behavior usually takes place in the fall, after the DNC has their convention. But Biden's so weak that they're having to start it months earlier.
Let's go back to Chris Freind:
A joke making the rounds shows a Wheel of Fortune puzzle missing one letter. It reads: “JOE BIDEN IS A RA_IST.” Underneath, two choices: “C” and “P.”
Tommy Virgl (THE DEPAULIA) explains:
If the Democratic party actually wanted to beat Trump, they would replace Biden. Not only is he dishonest and an alleged rapist, but he does not represent the moral high ground that the Democratic establishment touts him as — it would make sense to have a candidate who can contrast Trump’s corruption as an effective strategy.
The logical replacement, if Biden were to withdraw from the race, would be the next person on the ballot with the most delegates, which would be Sen. Bernie Sanders. Not only is Sanders backed by grassroots support, but his clear record would be a great way to contrast Trump’s corruption.
“Standing with survivors doesn’t have a political agenda,” Blenck said.
While the election this November is critical, so is applying a consistent standard of believing sexual assault victims. I believe Dr. Ford. I believe Tara Reade. I don’t believe in a party that’s only willing to defend women and sexual assault survivors when it’s convenient for them.
Bernie Sanders and the media keep talking about my/his supporters. Bernie Sanders had very few supporters. The issues he ran on had a ton of supporters. Bernie is trying to sheep dog everyone which is offensive enough but every time he speaks of 'my supporters,' I cringe. He's a fake ass and his war on delegates, reported by Genevieve Leigh (WSWS), is very telling.
And the lack of concern of what Biden on the world stage would mean? Very scary. He did not just vote for the Iraq War. He repeatedly destroyed Iraq -- most infamously by overturning the votes of the Iraqi people in the 2010 election. He is not asked about that, the press ignores it. It is a very key issue and maybe instead of bullying people to vote for him supposed independent writers should be pressuring him to speak to that.
New content at THIRD:
- Truest statement of the week
- Truest statement of the week II
- A note to our readers
- Editorial: How many US outlets ever noted what was...
- TV: Catherine The Great's story it always our sto...
- 10 Great Goldie Hawn movies
- Pandemic observations
- Jim's World
- Sexism in the Progressive Movement, Tara Reade All...
- From The TESR Test Kitchen
- Whatever happened to this man?
- Marianne Williamson endorses against Dem leadershi...
- Why is YOUTUBE screwing with video stream counts?
- This edition's playlist
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