Monday, January 13, 2025

MTG gets nuttier

Once upon a time, there were tests for voting.  They were usually just racist excuses to exclude Black people from the ballot box.  I'm not worried about voters.  I am thinking, however, that it's time for us to start implementing tests for politicians.  We should probably start with sanity tests.  Sean Craig (THE DAILY BEAST) explains:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has made it abundantly clear that she didn’t study atmospheric sciences in college, launching an unhinged suggestion that officials could end the Los Angeles wildfires by manipulating the weather.

“Why don’t they use geoengineering like cloud seeding to bring rain down on the wildfires in California?" the Republican asked Sunday in a post on X. “They know how to do it.”

The woman is nuts.  She needs serious help.  Someone like that does not belong in Congress.  Katie Hawkinson (INDEPENDENT) notes:

President Joe Biden called her hurricane weather control claims “so stupid” in October.

“Marjorie Taylor Greene, the congresswoman from Georgia, is now saying the federal government is literally controlling the weather, we’re controlling the weather,” Biden said from the White House. “It’s beyond ridiculous. It’s so stupid. It’s got to stop.”

Greene was also blasted on X by meteorologists and climate experts this weekend for spreading the false claim that cloud seeding could extinguish the fires.

“Marjorie — we can’t make water spontaneously appear,” atmospheric scientist Matthew Cappucci wrote. “Cloud seeding requires moisture to be present; cloud seeding just helps it fall.

“When the relative humidity is like 4%, you DON’T HAVE ANY WATER IN THE ATMOSPHERE,” he added. “Also — who is ‘They’”?

Louisville meteorologist Bryce Jones also chimed in: “Please keep politicians away from weather. And keep politics entirely out of it. This is exhausting.”

"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):

Monday, January 13, 2025.  Surprised by the attacks on Kamala Harris that THE NATION engaged in from August to election day?  Maybe you didn't know that a Marxist was now running THE NATION?  JACOBIN remains silent on Ana Kasparian's rightward lurch and grift because they used to play seven minutes in heaven with her in the closet that they all hid in while they pretended they were Democrats, Mark Suckerberg continues to lie about Joe Biden as the timeline demonstrates, FANBASE is being talked up, and much more.

Let's start with POST-LEFT WATCH.

Ana's a hateful transphobe grifter who's moved over to the right and yells and screams on camera because what says I-love-my-viewers more than caterwauling like the criminally insane?  

And I would've left it alone but PLW notes Ben Burgis rushed in to defend her.

Of course, he did.  He's trash garbage.  He's a lying fat f**k.  

There's the fact that he's written a book about Chris Hedges that tries to redeem Chris and that's your first proof that Ben is not a journalist.  

A journalist doesn't praise a plagiarist.  In 2014, when THE NEW REPUBLIC exposed his long, long pattern of plagiarism, that should have been it for Chris Hedges.  He's doctored his own WIKIPEDIA page to pretend that THE NEW REPUBLIC stood down from the report.  It did not.  Everything was fact checked and this was noted in a response that THE NEW REPUBLIC ran.  But Chrissy Lynn is a dirty liar.  We'll probably address that again this week when switch from the "Iraq snapshot" to just "Snapshot."  

A real journalist does not endorse a plagiarist.  

Doris Kearns Goodwin was all over the place talking about Jimmy Carter in recent days.  We didn't highlight her due to her own plagiarism scandal.  

It's called standards.

And Chris Hedges has none.  (He does have the blood of Iraqi people on his hands.  We'll talk about that this week.)  What is he?  A closeted Socialist.  Corporate media is never bringing him back so why does he have to hide in a political closet?

And look who's in there with him:  Ben Burgis.

Which is why we're starting with this today.

Ben's a columnist for the DSA bible JACOBIN.  That's where the Democratic Socialists of America pretend to be Democrats.  It's basically SOCIALIST WORKER -- a publication that began falling apart as the Iraq War continued on Barack Obama and as they twisted themselves into pretzels to avoid calling that out.  It eventually collapses in 2019 due to a multitude of work place scandals having to do with racism and sexism.  Before that happened Bhaskar Sunkara, admitted Marxist and DSA member, created JACOBIN.  Bhaskar has taken his strand of politics to THE NATION where he was wrongly named president of the magazine.  He was part of the cabal working to destroy Kamala Harris so, yes, he helped put Donald Trump back into the White House.

THE NATION has long lied about their history.  At THIRD, we have explored the forties where, for example, THE NATION ran writings by propagandists who were not Democrats 

We've, for example, noted their silence on Otto Katz.  

Are they confused?  He also used the aliases Simon Katz, Otto Simon and Andre Simon.  He's the one that the magazine's editor and owner at the time Freda Kirchwey went to the Sherry Netherland with to plot another 'Democratic' magazine that could fool the readers.

 Because Otto wasn't a Democrat.  He was a Communist.  Know what else he was?  A double or triple agent for foreign government.  He was executed December 3, 1952.

Bhaskar Sunkara, a Marxist, is now in charge of THE NATION with Socialist Katrina vaden Heuvel (the Freda to his Otto).  

And we saw what that resulted in from August through election day as THE NATION ran one article after another trashing her and KvH would use her Twitter account (yes, she's still on Twitter, we told you she's a racist) to amplify those.  House Democrat Joan Walsh wrote pro-Kamala column but she wasn't platformed by Bhaskar or Katrina.  

So let's get back to 'honest' Ben Burgis.  He defends Ana's attack on a Black man because, of course, what else would a White fat f**k do?

A real writer would be exposing Ana.  A real writer would call out her move to the right and her attacks on people of color.

But Ben Burgis is in a bind.

See, Ana started out a Socialist.  That's why JACOBIN gave her a podcast to begin with.

And they try to look the other way.

It's not just that they're in political closets, it's also that they are compromised liars.

They should have called her out forever ago.

But some at JACOBIN -- like Ben Burgis -- aren't as left as they pose and others fear calling out Ana would mean inviting people to really look into what they do and who they are at JACOBIN.

But let's be very clear, putting a Marxist in charge of THE NATION resulted in the magazine tearing into Kamala constantly, selling the lie that she was a liar, selling the lie that she was no different than Donald Chump.

THE NATION is a joke and it is a lie.  It's producing Marxist thought and doing so dishonestly by hiding behind the lie that "We're just Democrats talking about issues."

They have become a Marxist periodical with a few left overs from previous years.

When Katrina and Bhaskar Sunkara published the editorial telling people not to vote for Kamala, they showed you the real damage that political closet cases can do when they're allowed to pose as Democrats.

I studied poli sci, I have no problem with Democrats, Socialists or Marxists.  I do have a problem with those who hide in a political closet and lie so that they can trick you.

They're liars and we call out liars here -- liars like Mark Suckerberg.  As we noted Friday, all hell was about to reign down on Suck as he announced and implemented a new policy for FACEBOOK that will promote hate speech and lies which he refused to acknowledge because he was too busy lying.  Did Suck not grasp that he doesn't own FACEBOOK/META?   He may be the largest single stockholder but he's answerable to the board and -- yes, FACEBOOK is a publicly traded company, one that sells itself as being positive and diverse -- the stockholders.  Facts were never Suckerberg's strong suit.  That's why he keeps showing up lying about 2020 and 'pressure' from Joe Biden.  Joe Biden was a candidate in 2020.  He didn't get elected until the end of 2020 and he didn't get sworn in until January 2021.  We've been pointing this out forever -- most recently August 28th:

From liar Paxton to another, Mark Zuckerberg.  META's anti-Christ is back in the news and see if you can spot the lie:

Mark Zuckerberg says he regrets that Meta bowed to Biden administration pressure to censor content, saying in a letter that the interference was "wrong" and he plans to push back if it happens again.

Meta's CEO aired his grievances in a letter Monday to the House Judiciary Committee in response to its investigation into content moderation on online platforms. Zuckerberg detailed how senior administration officials leaned on the company to censor certain posts about Covid-19, including humor and satire, and “expressed a lot of frustration” when the social media platform resisted.

FACEBOOK started as garbage.  Sorry, I never had a FACEBOOK account.  But you do see the lie don't you?

Ruth posted "There are numbers and then there are the fake numbers in Trump's crazy head" last night.  Convicted Felon Donald Trump -- a worm apparently eating what was left of his brain -- was raving like a nut that in 2020 Joe Biden's White House was having him censored.  Joe wasn't in the White House.  Donald was.

So before you back up the liar Mark Zuckerberg, maybe revisit Kurt Wagner's March 30, 2020 report for BLOOMBERG NEWS entitled "Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Remove Posts From Bolsonaro" which opened:

Twitter Inc., Facebook Inc. and Google’s YouTube have all removed posts shared by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for including coronavirus misinformation that violates the social media companies’ rules against posting harmful content.

So FACEBOOK was censoring post on COVID in March 2020.  Per Mark's testimony -- if you believe the liar -- that's due to the White House.  Again, Joe Biden wasn't president in 2020.  He's sworn in January of the following year.

Facts is hard for garbage like Zuckerberg.  He wanted to endorse Donald a few months back but he was told it would be bad for the shares in the company -- so he claimed he wasn't endorsing despite calling Donald "bad ass."   This is his way of endorsing him: Lying to Congress that FACEBOOK only censored COVID posts due to Joe Biden's White House.




I can do this all day long.  Want to drop back to February of 2021 (when Joe was president) and  Michael Gryboski (CHRISTIAN POST) noted this:

In 2019, before the pandemic began, Facebook announced that they were looking to reduce the influence of anti-vaccination posts on their social media platform.

“We will reduce the ranking of groups and Pages that spread misinformation about vaccinations in News Feed and Search. These groups and Pages will not be included in recommendations or in predictions when you type into Search,” stated Facebook at the time.

“When we find ads that include misinformation about vaccinations, we will reject them. We also removed related targeting options, like ‘vaccine controversies.’ For ad accounts that continue to violate our policies, we may take further action, such as disabling the ad account.”

Again, Joe was president in 2021.  However, he wasn't president in 2019.  That was Donald Trump.  So if Zuckerberg was having his arm twisted to censor by a White House, in 2019 that would have been Donald.

Under mounting pressure to counter misinformation around the COVID-19 pandemic, Facebook is increasingly dictating what its users should see and think.

Facebook already downgrades any posts it doesn’t like the look of regarding the virus, but it’s apparently concerned that some of its users might still interact with the wrong content. It’s not Facebook users’ fault, you see, they’re just hapless plebs with not critical faculties of their own. Thankfully Facebook is on the case.

The social media giant’s VP of Integrity (an Orwellian job title if there ever was one), Guy Rosen, recently provided An Update on Our Work to Keep People Informed and Limit Misinformation About COVID-19. “We’re going to start showing messages in News Feed to people who have liked, reacted or commented on harmful misinformation about COVID-19 that we have since removed,” said Rosen.

Again, that would be when Donald Trump was president. 

Legal idiot Jonathan Turley felt the need to Tweet:

Fox posted my column on Mark Zuckerberg's admission that Facebook did censor Americans under pressure from the Administration. He wants people to know that they are really regret now their role. It is the feigned regret that comes with forced exposure...

No, you fool,  the censorship began under Donald -- as we took the time to document above.  Jonathan, you're a damn liar and a bigger disgrace and disappointment than even Robert Kennedy Junior.  Matt Taibbi and Glynneth Greenwald are equally stupid.  

Deliver us from the idiots, please.

Again, Zuckerberg made statements that are being spun as truth but it is public record that the censorship began long before Joe was president.  

He's lying and he's been lying and the media has let him get away with this lie for months and months now.  It's not that hard to demonstrate he's lying.  But for some reason, the media can't do a basic fact check on Mark Suckerberg.  We can but they can't.  In the words of John and Yoko, "I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one."  Lily Mae Lazarus (THE DAILY BEAST) reports:

Mark Zuckerberg’s shock choice to scrap fact-checking on Facebook and Instagram has sparked concern and outrage—including from inside the top ranks of the company.

Michael McConnell, co-chair of Meta’s Oversight Board, said in an interview Friday that the move looks like “buckling to political pressure.”

“I would have liked to have seen these reforms laid out in less contentious and partisan times, so that they would be considered on the merits rather than…Donald Trump is president and now they’re caving in,” McConnell told NPR.

According to him, neither he nor the board, an international group of experts in law, human rights and journalism, were not told about the new policy ahead of time.

Meta executives, however, allegedly informed Trump officials about the change in policy prior to the announcement, a source with knowledge of the conversations told the New York Times

Again, a publicly traded company with a board of directors and a publicly traded company that's sold itself to shareholders as a company that respected diversity and was socially conscious.  

Roland Martin and Isaac Hayes III are calling on people to leave FACEBOOK and move to FANBASE.

I can't follow that call because I'm not on FACEBOOK.  Never had been.  But I will gladly amplify their call for people to move to FANBASE.

Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Miss Sassy On A Leash" went up Friday,   Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Cult Member? Yes. Sex Slave? No" went up on Thursday and Isaiah's latest THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "The Ugly Rudy G" went up Wednesday.   The following sites updated: