Isaiah hates that comic. (I like it.) He was tired and he e-mailed the 'doodle' he did while watching PBS' coverage last night. As he doodled -- without realizing he was doing that -- he looked at that paper and realized he should try to do a comic.
I really like it and when I saw it this morning, I knew what it was because I caught that vanity interview on PBS when it aired.
I am also fully aware that Teresa Heinz-Kerry wasn't given a roll out. In fact, if you remember, the media was saying she needed to be 'hidden.' (While slamming Dr. Judy Dean for not being on the road.)
"Eleanor's Smear" (C.I., The Common Ills):
Eleanor Smeal needs to check herself.It is not a feminist requirement that you vote for a candidate, any candidate, or that you even vote.
I don't care who anyone votes for. I stated here, beginning in 2004, I wouldn't vote for John McCain. I like Cindy, I admire the work she's done, I have nothing but nice things to say about Cindy the private person. But I won't vote for John.
I won't vote for Barack.
Neither of those things makes me a 'bad' feminist.
If a feminist wants to vote John McCain she should. If it's because she believes in him, she should vote for him. (And you can toss "he" in there too because feminists can be men as well but this entry is focused on women.) If she plans to vote for John McCain to lodge a protest vote against sexism, homophobia, et al., that's her right too.
The world will continue regardless. Any feminist who has a strong desire to vote should. For whomever she wants. (That includes voting for Barack if that's what she wants to do.) If she doesn't want to vote, that's her right too.
But no 'leader' has the right to smear and LIE about women who are standing up when her own chicken-s**t ass is too cowardly to do so. Eleanor Smeal owes PUMAs an apology, yes. But she also owes all feminists (and PUMAS includes feminists) apologies. She needs to make a public apology and she needs to do so quickly.
And I want to clear something up that I may not have been clear enough earlier (this is dictated and Isaiah goes up after this with a comic, by the way), PUMA was not created solely by the sexist attacks. It was also created by the silence from so many 'leaders'. Eleanor Smeal didn't do s**t when the attacks were starting (they continue today) and she can take responsibility for helping to create PUMA. The bulk of feminist 'leaders' failed. That's not they fought and lost. Feminism is a centuries old movement. We know we will lose battles. We know we must always continue fighting. But a number of 'leaders' chose not to fight, chose silence.
In the 21st century, silence is no more an option than it was at any other time. Let the PUMAs roar.
I read that this afternoon at lunch and got everyone on the phone to ask if we could flip Wednesday night blog topics from entertainment to Backstabbers. In other words, women who make it worse for other women.
I'm going with the Peace Resister herself, Katrina vanden Heuvel. Katty-van-van. Or, as C.I. calls her, Katrinket vanden Heuvel.
This is the woman who took over publishing The Nation and banned the term "war resister." You can see that term used in the issues prior to Katrina's rise.
You won't find it in the magazine after.
You will also not find articles on war resisters (under any name) in the print edition after she takes over. (Ehren Watada got a sidebar to a cover story that called him a "coward." That's Katrina's way of doing things.)
Katrina's not against the illegal war (and, in fact, she supported and supports the Afghanistan War). But she'll pretend she is when she thinks it can be used for electing Democrats.
She's a Council on/for/by Foreign Relations type. The daughter of a trashy man who spent his early days as a spy (though she had her intern scrub that info from her Wikipedia entry as well as her cheap, money grubbing ways which led to the Daddy's Dying Who's Got The Will moment from people who couldn't earn their own way and were in a panic when the grandfather -- a very decent man who gave a damn about war resisters -- died).
So Katrinket is publisher (as well as editor) of The Nation and she wants all this praise (even though she's not the first and gets very irritated when that point's made to her face) for the magazine. She needs her ego fed so badly that she lies about winning a Planned Parenthood Maggie that she never won.
Most of all, her ego needs to be fed so badly that in 2007, her magazine featured 491 male bylines and only 149 female ones. With her nose, it's very hard to be the prettiest 'girl' in the room (or even pretty) so she shuts out other women.
But wants to be as a strong woman (as opposed to the dithering 'brain' she is).
She is a Queen Bee who holds other women back because if the glass ceiling were broken, she'd be the big-nosed, knobby-kneed woman dressing like a girl over 1/2 her age. I love her professional photos because Katty never had class.
Her hair always stuck out all over the place even then. All these years later, she still hasn't learned to run a comb through her hair before posing for a picture. She never liked having her photo taken as a child -- and with her 'looks,' who can blame her? So she always made this sour, scrunched up face. She does something similar in her photos today which is why she always looks like she just bit into a lemon.
I didn't like Katty as the urine soaked brat (who kicked me in the shin and left a scar that I have to this day and should be very glad that C.I. was there or I probably would have wrung her neck). I don't like her as an adult. C.I. always had hopes for Katty. C.I. was really her last defender. Those days vanished. C.I. is fair.
Christopher Hayes has had some huge problems with errors in his reporting at The Nation. He was promoted to David Corn's old job. C.I. asked that we give Hayes 2 years before making any kind of pro-longed criticism and noted that it was a very big promotion for Hayes and that he would need time to get used to his new job.
C.I. did something similar with Katty moving up to publisher. C.I. ran interference for her even though Katty was already the joke in our circles (which she never made it into because she is not her grandfather).
Katty teamed up with Barack before he announced his run. His Frankenstein presidential run owes a lot to Katty. Her reputation is now riding on it and she knows that. She teamed him up with FaceBook, she launched a Nation campus tour (that didn't go very well) to promote Barack early on. She has staked her questionable name on Barack and that's one reason he can't count on the support of wealthy liberals like myself: We're all dying to see Katty fail.
She and her father (Soviet Union romantics to put it kindly) misused board positions to promote Barack. The campaign started long, long ago. It's why she made The Nation's sole focus campaign politics. If Barack's elected, she thinks she will have finally made a name for herself. (Reality, she made that name for herself in college and it's not a good one. The years since have only confirmed her name in polite circles from which she is now blackballed and is steamed about that.) (Katrina has a wonderful mother. Her mother takes after her own father who had taste. Katrina doesn't take after her mother or her grandfather. She is Daddy's Little Girl a.k.a. the man who married money and still didn't fit in.)
So Katrina allowed The Nation to publish the lies that The Weekly Standard and others made infamous in the 90s. The lies long since disproven ran wild in the Katrina version of Teen People Politics. (Yes, the magazine has been dumbed down. No one thinks it was delibarte and an attempt to attract younger readers. Everyone assumes it's reflective of Katrina's still still-born, school girl mind.) Katrina allowed the most sexist comments to be published online and in print. But wants to be seen as strong woman. She's strong . . . like Margaret Thatcher and many assume she's entered the dementia phase Thatcher is now in. For good reason.
Katty's convinced herself that her husband will be given a position of some sort in an Obama administration. As questionable as that is (I have nothing against her husband and feel sorry for him when Katty starts talking about his 'roots' and putting them down -- she thinks she's being funny), Katty assumes she will be the next Pamela Harriman and fails to grasp that (a) she doens't have that kind of money and (b) she has a really bad image. It helps her attracts college age groupies (who don't know any better) but Katty could never be a DC hostess. She's a joke in that region.
But that really is the key to understanding the destruction of The Nation magazine. Katty has put it to her own use in order to become a DC hostess.
She has a lot riding on Barack and wasn't opposed to rampant sexism being utilized if it could benefit Barack. She's a social climber (a failed one) so it's no surprise she would get on board with Barack and Michelle.
"Iraq snapshot" (The Common Ills):
Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Chaos and violence continue, the US military announces another death, 2 US soldiers state they killed handcuffed Iraqis and did so on official orders, Ralph Nader's Super Rally takes place in Denver tonight, Courage to Resist speaks with US war resister Robin Long and more.
Starting with war resistance. In Canada yesterday, protests took place. Total Catholic reports, "Catholic groups demonstrated outside Canada House in London on Tuesday in protest against the deportation of US soldiers who refused to fight in Iraq and sought asylum in Canada." It notes the groups included Voices in the Wilderness, Pax Christi, the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Catholic Worker Movement and that they carried posters with photos of war resister and the following "Canada: Stop Deporting US Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in the Illegal War in Iraq." Bruce Kent explains, "In the year that Franz Jagerstater was beatified by the Pope in recognition of his conscientious objection and subsequent execution for refusing to serve in Hitler's army, it seems extraordinary that the Canadian Government is adopting this position. These soldiers have every right to refuse to fight in an illegal war." While they stood up "White boy" (read his article -- better yet, don't) Nathaniel Hoffman (Boise Weekly) blathers on about the DNC convention (24 paragraphs) before including this: "Now for a few updates on the home front. Army deserter Robin Long, a Boise native, was sentenced to 15 months in jail, after being kicked out of Canada and returned to his unit at Fort Carson, Colo. He will also get a dishonorable discharge." That would be Robin's local weekly and that's all they have to offer. Never forget the 'alternative' press always has something else to do. Robin was court-martialed last Friday and Courage to Resist spoke to Robin spoke with him later that day:
Courage to Resist: Well Robin your court martial is done, you got 15 months in military prison, how are you feeling about the outcome?
Robin Long: I -- all in all -- on the day of the trial, had a really good day. I got to tell the army and the world exactly how I felt and I got to meet one of my heroes, one of my heroines, Col. Ann Wright and I enjoyed all the support that was there, all the people that came to see. It was kind of funny, when I was leaving, they rushed me off to a Humvee and they had -- they had the military police escort front and behind and they stopped traffic at all the intersections. And while I was leaving, all the supporters, a lot of them were saluting so that felt really good. I was kind of looking at different figures -- that I could be out as early as April of next year. With everything so . . . I don't know. I'm just looking forward to getting the RCF Unit and start doing my time. And when I come out, start speaking for peace again and my word will be that much more powerful. I can talk now in the States instead of being up there in Canada. And hopefully, we can end this occupation, this war.
Courage to Resist: Now you said you got to tell the army exactly how you felt? What did you tell them?
Robin Long: Oh, I told them, I mean, with my defense case, Col. Ann Wright and with the other witnesses, we basically got to say to a forum and an audience that normally wouldn't hear the things we were saying about the legality of the war in Iraq and, you know, following your conscience and international law, a higher duty and it felt really good to say those things. And to let people know that they can think for themselves and follow their heart.
Courage to Resist: And did Col Wright testify at your trial?
Robin Long: Yes, she did.
Courage to Resist: And what did she say?
Robin Long: She was basically saying the things she saw working in the army and with the State Department and her decision to resign from her position in opposition to the Iraq War and also she kind of said that she wasn't offended because she's part of the military you know she wasn't offended by me deserting. Having a colonel, someone in that high of a position, you know, with the State Department, working with different embassies, MongoliaSomaliaia, Afghanistan that maybe they paid attention to her. The military judge looked really interesting in what she was saying so.
Courage to Resist: You said that she was one of your heroes. I'd be willing to be that the next time we see Ann Wright, she'll be saying that you're one of her heroes. So now you're back in the county jail?
Robin Long: Yep, I'm here at the El Paso jail waiting for transport transfer. They haven't told me yet where I'm going.
Courage to Resist: Any hints, any clues about where you might be headed?
Robin Long: No, not yet. They said whichever place has availability. It's kind of -- kind of weird. I can't bring anything with me in jail. Like all of the books that nice people have sent I can't bring any of that stuff with me. Mail, I can't even bring address book. So I'm going to be sending out all my, my papers that I need to have with me to somebody so that can mail them back to me when I find out where I am.
We'll note more from Robin's interview later in the week (hopefully tomorrow). US war resister Jeremy Hinzman is the US war resister who was the first to go to Canada and apply for asylum. August 13th, he was informed he had until September 23rd to leave Canada or be deported.
To show your support for Jeremy and other US war resisters in Canada, Courage to Resist alerts, "Supporters are calling on Hon. Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, to intervene. Phone 613.996.4974 or email http://us.mc507.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=finley.d@parl.gc.ca,"Iraq Veterans Against the War also encourages people to take action, "To support Jeremy, call or email Hon. Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, and ask her to intervene in this case. Phone: 613.996.4974 email: http://us.mc507.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=finley.d@parl.gc.ca."
Aidan Delgado is a war resister who has told his story in book form. The Sutras Of Abu Ghraib: Notes From A Conscientious Objector In Iraq is now out in soft cover (list price $15.00). Eric Snider (Creative Loafing) states, "The most engaging aspect of The Sutras is Delgado's quest for CO status; although he's ostracized for his stance, overall he's treated quite fairly." Three other war resisters have told their story in book form: Kevin Benderman's Letters from Fort Lewis Brig: A Mater of Conscience, Camilo Mejia's Road from Ar Ramadi: The Private Rebellion of Staff Sergeant Mejia (Camilo plans a second book), and Joshua Key's The Deserter's Tale. Peter Laufer's Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq details many war resistersincludingng Joshua Key and Jeremy Hinzman) and Aimee Allison and David Solnit's Army of None: Strategies to Counter Military Recruitment, End War, and Build a Better World covers war resistance with a strong focus on stopping it at the point of the entry. Many of these books (and other items as well) are available at Courage to Resist.
There is a growing movement of resistance within the US military which includes Yovany Rivero, William Shearer, Michael Thurman, Andrei Hurancyk, Megan Bean, Chris Bean, Matthis Chiroux, Richard Droste, Michael Barnes, Matt Mishler, Josh Randall, Robby Keller, Justiniano Rodrigues, Chuck Wiley, James Stepp, Rodney Watson, Michael Espinal, Matthew Lowell, Derek Hess, Diedra Cobb, Brad McCall, Justin Cliburn, Timothy Richard, Robert Weiss, Phil McDowell, Steve Yoczik, Ross Spears, Peter Brown, Bethany "Skylar" James, Zamesha Dominique, Chrisopther Scott Magaoay, Jared Hood, James Burmeister, Jose Vasquez, Eli Israel, Joshua Key, Ehren Watada, Terri Johnson, Clara Gomez, Luke Kamunen, Leif Kamunen, Leo Kamunen, Camilo Mejia, Kimberly Rivera, Dean Walcott, Linjamin Mull, Agustin Aguayo, Justin Colby, Marc Train, Abdullah Webster, Robert Zabala, Darrell Anderson, Kyle Snyder, Corey Glass, Jeremy Hinzman, Kevin Lee, Daniel Baker, Mark Wilkerson, Patrick Hart, Ricky Clousing, Ivan Brobeck, Aidan Delgado, Pablo Paredes, Carl Webb, Stephen Funk, Blake LeMoine, Clifton Hicks, David Sanders, Dan Felushko, Brandon Hughey, Logan Laituri, Jason Marek, Clifford Cornell, Joshua Despain, Joshua Casteel, Katherine Jashinski, Dale Bartell, Chris Teske, Matt Lowell, Jimmy Massey, Chris Capps, Tim Richard, Hart Viges, Michael Blake, Christopher Mogwai, Christian Kjar, Kyle Huwer, Wilfredo Torres, Michael Sudbury, Ghanim Khalil, Vincent La Volpa, DeShawn Reed and Kevin Benderman. In total, at least fifty US war resisters in Canada have applied for asylum.
Information on war resistance within the military can be found at The Objector, The G.I. Rights Hotline [(877) 447-4487], Iraq Veterans Against the War and the War Resisters Support Campaign. Courage to Resist offers information on all public war resisters. In addition, VETWOW is an organization that assists those suffering from MST (Military Sexual Trauma).
Turning to Iraq. At the US Pentagon today Gen James Conway declared that there might be a drawdown of some marines because "to do more in Afghanistan, our marines have got to see relief elsewhere". No, that would not be withdrawal, no that would not be troops home. Now or later. It is an acknowledgement -- public -- by a marine commander ("The Commandant of the Marine Corps," says the Defense Dept) that the US military is stretched to the limit fighting two illegal wars that neither the White House nor the Congress has the guts or desire to end. So the Pentagon announces: "This week the Army and Coast Guard announced an increase, while the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps announced a decrease. The net collective result is 4,519 more reservists activated than last week." Conway also declared that Al Anbar Province would be turned over to Iraqis (Iraqis under the control of the puppet government controlled by the US).
Meanwhile Khalid al-Ansary (Reuters) reports that Iraqi President Jalal Talabani says US troops (of some formation) will be out (or 'out') of Iraq in 2011 and that the US wanted 2015 but Iraq held firm. Take a second to let the laughter die down. Aboard Air Force One this afternoon, Tony Fratto held a White House press briefing and said nothing about any agreement. At the State Dept, Robert Wood (Deputy Spokesperson) held a press briefing was asked if the US had asked for the US to maintain their presence through 2015 and Wood refused to answer that and stuck "there are discussions going on between the United States and Iraqi Government. We're working to try to finalize an agreement by the end of December. I don't have anything new to offer other than what we've said, and that we think this is an important agreement. And once we have an agreement, we will certainly make that known to the publics."
This morning Paul von Zielbauer (New York Times) reported that "a first sergeant, a platoon sergeant and a senior medic, killed four Iraqi prisoners with pistol shots to the head as the men stood handcuffed and blindfolded beside a Baghdad canal, two of the soldiers said in sworn statements." The bodies were then dumped in the canal according to Sgt 1st Class Joseph P. Mayo and Sgt. Michael P. Leahy Jr.'s statements which have each man killing one Iraqi and stated that 1st Sgt. John E. Hatley killed two and ordered the killings. von Zielbauer quotes Leahy's statement: "I'm ashamed of what I've done. . . . When I did it, I thought I was doing it for my family. Now I realize that I'm hurting my family more now than if I wouldn't have done it."
Turning to some of today's reported violence . . .
Laith Hammoudi (McClatchy Newspapers) reports a Baghdad roadside bombing that left five wounded, another that left six wounded, a Baghdad car bombing that claimed 1 life (seven wounded), another Baghdad car bombing that wounded one person, a Tal Afar car bombing that resulted in fourteen wounded (and the driver dead), 2 Mosul "suicide car" bombings -- one targeting "an American patrol" with no known casualties for eitehr bombing. Reuters notes the Tal Afar wound count is not at twenty-two "according to Sabih Hussein, chief physician at the Tal Afar government hospital". The US military announces: "Coalition forces killed three terrorists – two of whom were wearing suicide vests – and detained six suspects, including an alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq leader, during operations in Diyala province Wednesday."
Reuters notes 1 person shot dead in Mosul.
Laith Hammoudi (McClatchy Newspapers) reports 2 corpses discovered in Baghdad. Reuters notes 1 female corpse was discovered in Numaniya.
Today the US military announced: "A Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldier died at a Coalition forces medical facility in Baghdad today as a result of wounds sustained following an IED attack Aug. 26. The Soldier was wounded after the vehicle he was traveling in was struck by an improvised explosive device in northeastern Baghdad Aug. 26." The death brings to 4148 US service members killed in Iraq since the start of the illegal war and 20 since the start of the illegal war.
Moving to the US race for president. Tom Hayden lied (there were many but where there are Barack lies, there is Tom Hayden) that Barack had done a bang up job helping Hillary retire her campaign debt. He DID NOTHING. As community member Eddie points out, even Danny Schechter's fallen for the lie ("Remember, Barack's campaign helped her retire her campaign debt!"). Reality, New York Times, A16 today (buy a paper), Michael Lau and Griff Palmer report: "The analysis by The Times found that Obama donors gave $300,000 to Mrs. Clinton in July and $135,000 in June." Chump change. He did nothing to help retire the debt. He's gotten credit from liars like Hayden and from people too smart to give credit like Danny. Her worshippers, Danny? Her worshippers? And you're puzzled so many see you and Media Channel as part of the problem? Hillary busted her ass for the Democratic Party last night and it is exactly the attitude Danny's exhibited today (short on facts and sprinkles of insults) that has no defense. There is no defense for it. And, no, PBS' convention coverage is not praise worthy? Was no one watching last night? Ava and I skimmed last night's coverage today and sexism was on parade. We'll address it Sunday. One example: Maybe someone thinks it's 'natural' to have three historians on repeatedly during the broadcast to talk about Hillary and the women's liberation movement when . . . all three are men. Talking about the struggle for women's equality? PBS should be ashamed. Unless they're so ignorant that they believe there are no female historians? Is that it? And because women know they can count on attacks from all sides, be sure to check out how Eleanor Smeal chose to smear other feminists. When a DC lobbyist takes over Ms., feminism suffers -- and it has suffered. In the real world, To The Contrary's Bonnie Erbe (at US News & World Reports) observes, "The Democrats nominated a junior, inexperienced Senator with no legislative accomplishments on his resume to whom young Americans and latte liberals swarmed due to his cool, celebrity-like demeanor. But then, those same Democratic leaders act surprised that Middle America isn't following suit. How bizarre!!!" Kownhaus notes, "The meltdown of Progressive Blogosphere 1.0 is due in large part to major 'A' list bloggers turning a blind eye to misogyny and sexism because it helped the candidate they supported. MASSIVE FAIL!" Meanwhile Jerry White (WSWS) takes on the latest nonsense from fauxgressives Katty-van-van Heuvel (who doesn't do corrections) and Robert L. Borosage, "Apart from their assertion, which is false, that Obama will end the occupation of Iraq, the authors make no attempt to substantiate their claim that Obama represents a 'stark ideological contrast' with McCain. In fact, they virtually acknowledge just the opposite." And White drives it home with this section:
The Nation is no more able to explain how such a movement represents an alternative to the "entrenched order" than they are able to establish Obama's reformist credentials. Both in their support for Obama and their insistence that all social opposition after the election remain oriented to the Democratic Party, the Nation reveals itself to be a critical prop for precisely the reactionary order they claim to oppose. They themselves are simply its "left" flank.
Of course, the political milieu for which the Nation speaks has a direct and personal stake in the outcome of the election. They count on the arrival of a Democratic administration as an opportunity for many in their ranks to secure choice positions and enhanced status within the apparatus of power in Washington DC, whether as congressional staffers, trade union functionaries or researchers at Democratic-linked think tanks in the capital.
Martha saw that highlighted by Susan (Random Thoughts from Reno) and Susan has my nomination for "Truest Statement of the Week" at Third this weekend: "The party is 'worried' now about mass defections by Clinton supporters to John McCain. Well, what in the hell did they expect? After the May 31 charade effectively handing Obama the nomination, they lost what little chance they had in the fall. Don't expect Clinton supporters to 'get over it' any more than Gore supporters when the 2000 election was stolen." Hillary Clinton gave a great speech last night. Jess, Dona, Eli, Martha and Shirley report the community members e-mails agree it was great and agree it didn't change their mind one bit. Who are they supporting?
Ralph Nader is the independent candidate for president. Tonight he and running mate Matt Gonzalez hold their first Super Rally. This one in Denver. From Team Nader:
Denver tonight 6 p.m.
University of Denver Magness Arena.
Sean Penn, Tom Morello, Cindy Sheehan, Jello Biafra, Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez will be there.
Standing up to the corporate two-party controlled debate commission.
Calling for an opening up of the Presidential debates.If you are in the area, see you at the event.
If you know people in the area, call them, text them, e-mail them -- and give them the details.
Free Speech TV will be streaming the event live on the Internet. (Wednesday, August 27, 7 p.m. Mountain time, 9 p.m. Eastern.)
Just click here to watch.
Also, Free Speech TV will be broadcasting the event live on Dish Network Channel 9415.
If you are home watching convention coverage on cable, watch for Ralph.
He'll be in the DNC belly of the beast at the Pepsi Center today.
He'll be on Fox TV with Neil Cavuto in this afternoon at about 4 p.m.
And MSNBC with Dan Abrams tomorrow morning at about 10 a.m.
Other mainstream media interviews are being nailed down as we speak.
Stay tuned for more details.
The bottom line is this.
The conventions are supposed to be about democracy.
But in fact, they're two big corporate parties.
Talk about corporate crime and corporate power, and you are drummed out of the building.
Talk the happy corporate talk, and they invite you in for a drink.
Thank you Ralph Nader for having the guts to stand up.
For the American people.
Against the corporate takeover of our democracy.
Stand with Ralph today.
If you are in Denver, come on down and join with us at the Magness Arena tonight at 6 p.m.
If you are not in Denver, give whatever you can afford -- $10, $20, $50, $100 -- to help defray the costs of tonight's event. (Renting the arena, sound, lights, stage hands, video crew and equipment, flying in road trippers, printing of 100,000 fliers -- you get the picture.)
By the way, great start on the fundraising drive -- we're at close to $15,000 after just two days. But we have to hit $100,000 by September 4. So, let's get 'er cranked.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
With your help, tonight, we will shake it up.
Onward to November.
Green Party presidential candidate's Cynthia McKinney spoke in Denver this week and Black Agenda Report (which is endorsing McKinney for president) posts her speech. This is an excerpt:
Cynthia McKinney: Our country has been hijacked and the Democrats have proven themselves to have been in on the plan. When it came to the Constitution, the Democratic leadership showed us that aiding and abetting illegal spying on us was more important to them than protecting our civil liberties. When it came to war and occupation, the Democratic leadership showed us that financing an illegal and immoral war, based on lies, was more important to them than they people's desire for peace. And when the people, hurting from the financial mismanagement of this country, called foaccountabilityty for the crimes that have been committed against the people here, against the global community, against nature, itself, the Democratic leadership took impeachment off the tableGrassrootsts Democratic Party activists want a livable wage! A "Medicare-for-all" type of health care system, repeal of the Bush tax cuts that have ushered in the greatest income inequality in this country since the Great Depression. But the Democratic Party has shown itself to be incapable of providing even a semblance of the values even of its own activists. The Democratic Party's national leadership didn't even mention Hurricanes Katrina and Rita survivors in their Congressional agenda for the first 100 days.
robin long
jeremy hinzman
kevin benderman
aidan delgadojoshua keycamilo mejia
peter laufer
aimee allisondavid solnit
bonnie erbe
danny schechter
the new york timespaul von zielbauer